Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh my God Im getting RABID!!!!

Foaming at the mouth over these steals. $58.9k for this one solid 120k sales over 60 days currently in this neighborhood. Going to get MY stimulus check right here. LOL.

Heres the back view.

Nice downstairs bath. No rehab needed.

Kitchen intact. No theft here.

Living room view. Looks like tenants just moved out.
Only repairs in the house. WDO and exterior siding coming off the house.
Rip out replace work. Stud needs to be scabbed too.
This could be cut and capped 1.5 feet and be totally fine for inspection.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another (S)-deal

4312 Packard Dr-Sales price $44000; repairs $7500 After repair value(conservative) $90k

Rental income projection $800-900 a month. This is an 1100 Sq ft 3/1 Cash flow is $400/mo approximately.

Needs a 2.5 ton package unit(Package unit means it has the inside and outside unit together---saves space but costs more money) Ducts going to the outside of the house is your sign....

Siding needs a complete rip off and replace. First a word on siding. Dont vinyl over crap. If its crap we will find it. Your buyer will find it and it will kill your exit and price.....GUAR-U-NTEED!!!; The question is "t-111 or hardipanel?"(cement siding). The latter requires special skill and tools for installation. If done by an amateur it is brittle and can be easily damaged post sale and a liability for you. If you got basic labor do t-111. If not hardi panel all the way. They have some nice shapes. You can do panels or if you wnat to be fancy do lap siding.(more $$$)

Yuke dry rot...

Old sash windows....need good carpenters to restore. Need screens, shaving to rework and reglazing. Duct tape is not glazing.

Exterior Doors need replacing also. Thats the extent of the bad news. Looks can be deceiving.

look at this KITCHEN!!!!!!!! That saves 5k in rehab right there.

And the bathroom....minor damage to the vanity base cabinet. Fortunatly they run $150 to replace. Tile above the tub surround. Slate floors!!!

It even has berber on the floors....Whew Rehab is tiring. LOL!!

The view in da hood!!! Nice stucco house across the way.

Big backyard. Cant wait to see the survey.

Next door Neighbor.

Street view..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My latest project.....putting my money where my mouth is.

4059 Owen Avenue. 4 bdrm/1 bth Northside Jacksonville.

Acqusition price $14500; rehab $3700 Closing costs $600; Total investment $18800;
Rehabbed value in todays market: 50k
Rental market $800 a month; $9600 a year

Yr 1 Expense: $188 interest only payment(12% interest), $83 taxes; $41 insurance ttl expenses $3756 yr 1

Lets have a look at it.........

Wonderful graffiti art
2 coats of kilz on this one.

Taking off 3/8" plywood and getting 5/8 down and cement backer board and ceramic tile. Looking GOOD in the kitchen.

left a perfectly good AC compressor but took everything else....common expectation to find in REO properties.